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Aufeinander bezogenes Handeln zweier oder mehrerer Entitäten Interaktionsmuster

Anmerkung: eine Interaktion kann z.B. deterministisch, nicht-deterministisch, asynchron, synchron, zustandsbehaftet, zustandslos sein.


  • Duden


related actions of two or more entities

Note: An interaction can be, for example, determinis-tic, non-deterministic, asynchronous, synchronous, stateful or stateless.


  • Duden

  • Defintionsvorschlag DIN SPEC 16593
    • Interaction: An interaction (between components) is a behavior that is specified by a sequence of messages between two or more system components, each of them comprising primitives related to call events, and/or notifications related to signal events
    • Note 1 to entry: In an extreme case, an interaction just consists of one primitive or one notification.
  • Webkonferenz, 25.7.16, 1. Überarbeitung der UAG Ontologie Definition Kategorie